• Holistic Focus: We consider the entirety of an individual’s situation, addressing not only the immediate challenges but also the broader context.
  • Individualized Approach: No two individuals are the same, and our strategies reflect this understanding.
  • Evidence-Based: Our interventions are rooted in the latest research and best practices, ensuring effective and meaningful results.
  • Continuous Evaluation: We don’t settle for assumptions. Our continuous evaluation process ensures that strategies evolve as needs change.

Unlock the potential for positive change with Body Mind healthcare Clinic Contact us today to embark on a journey towards holistic well-being and personalized growth.

The Italian governor Nicola Zingaretti And Dr Adriana Coelho

The Winner Progect

Designed and structured intervention protocol built in a modern key of psychopedagogico framework to promote healthy development with attention to developmental skills such as cognitive, social, emotional, motor, and linguistic school skills. Favouring the socialisation, inclusion, insertion, and integration of children in their schools, working with the community, families, and school professionals. As a nursery, and psychology clinc the educational methodology is based on a child’s centrality and a connotation of a capable person, bearer of rights and their own identity. This assumption is expressed in a pedagogical model which, starting from some unavoidable theoretical assumptions, which are characterised by being:

*Integrated as it absorbs aspects derived from the thought of various theorist psychologists.

* Open: It is ready to welcome the most innovative and exciting contemporary psycho-pedagogical trends and ideas, with a spirit of continuous experimentations of theoretical approaches.

* Updating: because the Centre reinterprets those aspects in a modern key, adapting them to the spirits of the time.